
I am a Schmidt Science Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Electrical, Computer, and Energy Engineering at the University of Colorado Boulder. Before joining CU Boulder, I received my PhD and M.Sc. in Physics from Uppsala University, Sweden, and I completed my B.Sc. in Physics at Turin University, Italy. I also have work experience as software developer for multiphysics simulations in the Electromagnetics team at COMSOL, Inc. I have a broad background in physics, with specialization in theoretical hadron physics.

As a Schmidt Science Fellow, I am now focusing on more applied problems. My current focus is on designing optimization and control algorithms that can be implemented in networked systems such as transportation and energy systems.

Short bio

Elisabetta Perotti is a Schmidt Science Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Electrical, Computer, and Energy Engineering at the University of Colorado Boulder. Before joining CU, she obtained her PhD in Physics from Uppsala University. Elisabetta’s research interests span multiple fields, from theoretical hadron physics to applied mathematics. Her current work focuses on the development of optimization and control algorithms that can be deployed in networked systems such as transportation systems, power grids, and data centers.

Recent news

  • [May 24] Our preprint Incremental Volt/Var Control for Distribution Networks via Chance-Constrained Optimization proposes a decentralized, incremental Volt/Var control strategy for voltage regulation in distribution networks. Cost savings can be achieved in a controlled, predictable way by tolerating a prescribed probability of voltage violations.
  • [Sept 23] Our paper Renewable-based charging in green ride-sharing showcases how power utility companies and ride-sharing platforms can interact to promote renewable-based EV charging, towards a more sustainable urban mobility model.
  • [May 23] My inteview for the CU Boulder College of Engineering is a great summary of my first year spent at CU Boulder, as a Schmidt Science Postdoctoral Fellow.